Working to improve the social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in Cornwall
Training and events

What's on the Hub?

A Whole School Approach to Wellbeing is 'Everybody's Business'

A 10 session introduction to wellbeing for school support staff

This FREE series of 10 webinars is available on demand on the Cornwall Wellbeing Hub.  Everybody's Business provides school support staff (and anyone else in the school community who is interested!) with  practical tools / ideas to use in your day to day interactions with C&YP. 

Sessions were delivered by local and national speakers. Each recording lasts 45 mins with 15 mins for questions / comments. 

Also included are session slides / notes and additional resources.

Sessions include: 

  • Simple skills for emotional regulation and co-regulation
  • Using play, storytelling and puppets to understand, explore and express difficult feelings
  • Relational approaches to understanding and supporting children labelled as ‘Badly Behaved'
  • What’s around in Cornwall to support schools support wellbeing?
  • Understanding and responding to attachment difficulties in 4–11-year-olds
  • An introduction to ‘Emotion coaching’ to support children to recognise and manage overwhelming emotions
  • Supporting children with parents or siblings with mental health issues
  • Supporting children with Autistic Spectrum Condition in Schools
  • How to recognise a good and helpful Social Story and how to adapt it for the person you want to explain something to
  • Supporting children who’ve experienced loss or bereavement
  • Understanding and Supporting Emotionally Based School Avoidance

*There is a focus on primary schools but support staff in secondary settings will find some of the sessions appropriate.

Download a quick guide to accessing The Hub / Everybody's Business

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