Working to improve the social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in Cornwall
For professionals

HeadStart Digital Resilience Tool

We’ve improved the digital resilience tool and resources to make it more interactive and intuitive. If you click on the tile ‘Digital Resilience Resources for Professionals’ you’ll be guided to find the information you need as well as resources to help. If you’re a parent or carer, you may find the resources for professionals helpful if there is a particular theme you are concerned about, such as gaming or social media. If you want to see information specific to the age of the child you are concerned about, you can click on the tile ‘Digital Resilience Resources for Parents’.

You can still find all the older resources below.

Digital Resilience tool labels behaviours organised by categories, what the labels mean and what to do when you've identified a behaviour

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Digital Resilience Resources for Professionals

A suite of accessible resources and podcasts to support you in building online resilience for your children. We understand that you are at the forefront of this challenge and may often feel you are missing the information and/or confidence to understand and discuss this issue with your children.

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Digital Resilience Resources for Parents

Use our Was That Ok? tool and see all the information we’ve created to help the adults who support you to understand how to respond to your online activities

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Digital Resilience Resources for Young People

Training on how to use the tool to assess young people's online behaviour; what to do when you have identified a behaviour and online activities and the law.

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Digital Resilience Training

Guidance around digital issues for those supporting SEND young people

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SEND Digital Resilience Guidance

A tool to help young people understand whether something they experienced or witnessed was ok, or whether they should seek support.

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Was That Ok Tool

A podcast for anyone who supports young people - we talk about the issues young people face online

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Digital Resilience Podcast

The Online Resilience Tool

The Online Resilience Tool provides a practical way for professionals to assess young people’s online behaviour and help them make decisions about whether that behaviour represents risk of harm.

The Tool was developed as part of the Digital work-stream of the HeadStart Kernow programme in partnership with University of Bournemouth and the Professionals Online Safety Helpline. In total around 1000 children and young people in Cornwall were involved in the development process through workshops and discussion groups over a three year period.

The Digital Resilience Tool is available to download for free. 

Poster for professionals

Download and print this poster for your staff room to help your team remember the key messages when it comes to young people and the digital world.

Article on how we made the tool

Read this article to find out about how we developed the tool with young people across Cornwall. 


If you have any questions / comments on any of the above please feel free to contact:

Louisa Street -

Professor Andy Phippen -