Key question: What focus is given within the curriculum to social and emotional learning and promoting personal resilience, and how is learning assessed?
- Understanding need / listening to YP voice to help inform the curriculum
- Implementation of statutory PSHE framework
- Supporting all C&YP to understand neuroscience / brain development
- identify opportunities across the curriculum (and in extra-curricular activities) for SEL
- Social & Emotional Learning: Self-care / help-seeking / self-soothing strategies
- How to survive and thrive online
- understanding and assessing risk and safety
- building resilience - confidence, self-esteem, problem solving skills.
Supporting wellbeing in the curriculum
Our work includes some powerful effective, evidence based work to support wellbeing.
A series of resources including a curriculum toolkit for teaching Social & Emotional Learning
Helping C&YP feel safe, stay safe... physically, socially, emotionally, psychologically
Resilience and the Boingboing Resilience Framework
PSHE Programme for Schools in Cornwall
Headstart Kernow are delighted to be working with Public Health and Education Effectiveness to support the refreshed and updated PSHE Programme for schools in Cornwall which will support the integration and development of a broad and comprehensive PSHE curriculum.
The programme aligned to the statutory guidance for Primary, Secondary and Further Education, adaptable to suit differing school needs and free to all Cornwall’s schools, this programme has been developed by Brook courtesy of funding from Cornwall Council and NHS England.
Headstart Kernow helped develop the programme content to ensure links with a trauma-informed approach, the whole school approach and our work with Parents and carers.
Cornwall Council have been working with Brook Learn to refresh and update the content of our PSHE programme. Part of the update has been to create a single enrolment key rather than individual school logins.
You can find the enrolment key on the PSHE page of the Services for Schools website (log in required). or contact us to request the details
Explore the other Principles of a Whole School Approach
Leadership and management that supports and champions efforts to promote emotional health and wellbeing
Leadership and management that supports and champions efforts to promote emotional health and wellbeing
An ethos and environment that promotes respect and values diversity
An ethos and environment that promotes respect and values diversity
Curriculum, teaching and learning to promote resilience and support social and emotional learning
Curriculum, teaching and learning to promote resilience and support social and emotional learning
Enabling student voice to influence decisions
Enabling student voice to influence decisions
Staff development to support their own wellbeing and that of students
Staff development to support their own wellbeing and that of students
Identify need and monitoring impact of interventions
Identify need and monitoring impact of interventions
Working with parents/carers
Working with parents/carers
Targeted support and appropriate referral
Targeted support and appropriate referral