HeadStart Kernow Digital Resilience Tools for Parents
The Headstart Kernow Online Resilience Toolkit provides a practical way to assess young people’s online behaviour and help make decisions about whether that behaviour is a cause for concern.
We are delighted to present a suite of accessible resources and podcasts to support you in building online resilience for your children. We understand that you are at the forefront of this challenge and may often feel you are missing the information and/or confidence to understand and discuss this issue with your children.
Our goal is to help you understand the challenges of the online world, frame your child's behaviour in an age-appropriate manner, and empower you to initiate meaningful conversations with confidence.
A PDF Resource and Podcast for each age group can be found below.
Was That Okay?
Was That OK is a new tool for young people to help them answer the question “Was That OK?” about anything sexual.
Young people told us that they often weren’t sure if something they had experienced was ok, normal and legal, and they didn’t know where to find out.
At the Headstart Kernow Digital Resilience project, we’ve developed a tool to help.
The Was That Ok tool includes lots of information and advice for young people, including where to go for support, what happens if they tell someone (including the police), advice on talking to friends and family and advice on getting the help they need.
We’ve also included some ideas about how they might address a problem themselves, for example, working out what they want to say, taking a friend and screen recording messages.
You can learn more by watching this video about the tool that also contains advice about responding to young people if they come to talk to you after using the tool.
SEND Digital Guidance
If you support young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) you might be concerned about their engagement with the digital world. You might also worry that the messages they get in school and at home can be confusing, with different language used to make the same points. For some young people, this different language can mean the rules don't seem to make sense, or they can struggle to apply them to the real situations they find themselves in.
To help with this, we've developed the key messages from the Digital Resilience Tool into guidance specifically for people supporting young people with SEND. This guidance was developed with the team who made the Digital Resilience Tool, with input from Special Educational Needs Coordinators and other stakeholders who work with young people with SEND.
The guidance is organised by themes, with simple 'headline' messages on each theme and some advice on using each message. The language is straightforward and we've repeated the same messages where appropriate to help you ensure consistency.