Working to improve the social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in Cornwall
For professionals

Feeling Safe - Protective Behaviours

Helping C&YP feel safe, stay safe... physically, socially, emotionally, psychologically

There is an inextricable link between safety, belonging and learning. At the heart of a Whole School, trauma informed, Approach to wellbeing is ‘safety’ and creating a physical and emotional safe space for all, where connection and relationships can flourish, and all children and young people feel they belong.

Protective Behaviours is a powerful way to help children and young people feel safe.

Protective Behaviours:

  • helps develop emotional literacy, enabling us to ‘name and tame’ feelings
  • develops self-confidence
  • builds practical skills and strategies
  • helps individuals to ‘thrive and survive’ in an adventurous, rather than a ‘risk averse’, approach, to life
  • contributes to a PSHE curriculum
  • supports work on Child Exploitation Awareness and digital resilience
  • provides a focus on children’s rights

We offer Protective Behaviours Training and support for school staff and others supporting children and familie to explore the Protective Behaviours Process. And it is another great way to support a Whole School, trauma informed, relational approach to wellbeing. PBs helps develop belonging / inclusion as feeling safe is a prerequite of belonging, It helps emotional literacy and supports Social and Emotional Learning. 

A super quick flavour of the PBs Process

Sally Ann Hart is a PBs trainer / train the trainer with the Proteand a great friend and supporter of PBs in Cornwall. 

PBs and Child Exploitation Awareness

 We have recently been involved in the #CETheSigns campaign in Cornwall and it was this work that prompted us to revisit a long standing interest in PBs.

We were approached by a young person who has experienced bullying and grooming online who wanted to share their experience and a deliver clear, positive message to other young people to help them stay safe. We helped her create a short animated film and are currently working on a resource for schools.

Watch the Animation

A True Story of Bullying Online - by a young person in Cornwall.

A short animated film created by the young person with Start Now Cornwall 

This is the true story of one young person in Cornwall who asked us to share their story.
They wanted to help other young people stay safe online and and encourage them to tell a trusted adult and ask for help.
A huge thank you to them for having the courage to share their story and for wanting to help others.
If you would like to understand more about staying safe online or If you need help or are worried about someone you know go to the Safeguarding Children Partnership website


< Watch the Animation